Sunday, 23 September 2012

Finally NASA seeks the help of Indian language (संस्कृतम् saṃskṛtam ) as their programming language


              I got striked with a topic “amazing facts of India” which is related to our historical indo-aryan language Sanskrit, which is  refined or cultured, the oldest and most systematic language.   I wondered when I came to know the fact that our historic  language, sanskrit,  can be the best NLP for computer programing


     Report By a Nasa Scientist (Rick Briggs) :- America is going to creating a 6th and 7th generation super computers based on the Sanskrit language for the use of super computers to their maximum extent.Project deadline is 2025 (6th generation) 2034(7th generation) after this there will be a language revolution all over the world to learn Sanskrit
    An article which appeared in AI Magazine (Artificial Intelligence) in Spring of 1985 written by NASA researcher, Rick Briggs .The Rick Briggs' paper makes a case that sanskrit language is not that difficult to use for computer programming , its grammar can be easily translated to a form a language understandable by a computer , It talks about using Sanskrit in natural language processing (NLP). The idea of using a natural language for computer programming is to make it easier for people to talk to computers in their native tongue and spare them the pain of learning a computer friendly language like assembly/C/Java.
In July 1987, Forbes magazine also published  the same information, which surprised even the Sanskrit pundits ;mentioning  that, “Sanskrit is the most convenient language for computer software programming.”

Note  : This subject was repeated again and again all over the world even in indian newspapers and magazines. Years  have  passed but Indians have not  used sanskrit language for computer programming

   Natural Language Processing (NLP)

    Natural language processing (NLP) is a field of computer science, artificial intelligence, and linguistics concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages.dedicated to provide machines with the capability to understand the spoken or written word – “natural” language.
NLP is a form of human-to-computer interaction where the elements of human language, be it spoken or written, are formalized so that a computer can perform value-adding tasks based on that interaction

  YOU may have the doubt that why Sanskrit is best language for computer?

sanskrit grammar is extremely scientific - it has all kind of explicit rules for joining words, making new words, making sentences. It uses declensions to state case, gender and number. Its just like a coding language that has strict, explicit and exhaustive rules for conveying your thoughts, and yet it has the beauty of a human language.
It is rich, powerful and expressive language. Its potentialities are gradually being appreciated all over the world, and its application is being extended in different fields due to its perfect morphology that leaves very little room for error.

 I know its sounds strange but the real impact is

 Panini was a sanskrit grammarian from pushkalavati, gandhara, in modern day charsadda District of Khyber pakhtunkhwa, pakistan (6th century BC) that time it was united India. panini is known for his Sanskrit grammar, particularly for his formulation of the 3,959 rules of Sanskrit morphology, syntax and semantics in the grammar known as Ashtadhyayi (meaning "eight chapters"), the foundational text of the grammatical branch of the Vedanga, the auxiliary scholarity disciplines of Vedic religion
Panini’s Ashtadhyayi shows significant similarities to the Backus-Naur Form grammar that is used to describe modern programming languages today. Many Sanskrit enthusiasts and linguists hope that, one day, Sanskrit will become the language of the world. Its clear and precise language structure enhances communication and opens alternative means for expression

Note :  when we have our own assets in our own country. Why can't we utilize our own assets for a better change. we the upcoming stars of this world should lighten up our mind and start thinking right now. To hold our proud higher as the rafter holds the roof up high. why don't we evoke and join hands to not let others personalize our asset.

We should be proud of ourself to be born in such a great Nation.
                                                                                            JITHIN J NADUVATH


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice article Jithin.Keep spreading great news always.
    Best wishes.
